Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Following George Zimmerman

I have a guilty pleasure.  I watch sensational trials on HLN TV on a marathon basis.  Yes, 24/7 of Nancy Grace and Jane Velez Mitchell and Dr. Drew.

When Casey Anthony was on trial, I watched from Hawaii.  I got up at 3 am so I wouldn't miss a minute.  It's not just that I watched the actual trial, I watched all the commentary!  So embarrassing.

So now I'm following the George Zimmerman trial.  I catch an hour on TV before going to work, frequently causing my own lateness.  Then I sign on to the internet when I get to work so I can follow the live blogs.  The irony of following this at work is that I work as a trial attorney and am actually in court, ignoring my own calendar to do this.  When I get home, I turn the TV on again and follow till I pass out or my daughter comes home and exclaims, "How can you watch this?  This is such bad TV!"

Okay, here's what it is:  I can't stand the defendant and I am fixated on the idea that he will be acquitted.  Naturally, his guilt makes perfect sense to me and I believe that by staying glued to the set, my logic will somehow transmit itself to the prosecution and thereby make its way to the jury.

So the issues have come up that George is not a fighter.  He is overweight, soft, and can't punch.  So that's why he carries a gun.  He's a soft coward!  This is about as dangerous as a chicken hawk.  This is the guy who packs a gun and uses it cause he can't punch his way out of a paper bag.  Armed with his loaded gun, he stalked and killed a teenager armed with iced tea and skittles.  What a loser.

He will probably be acquitted of 2nd degree murder.  The Defense was able to create enough possibility of doubt.  Now manslaughter, there's more of a chance for that.  I won't be satisfied till this pudgy gun carrying bully is tarred, feathered, and paraded throughout the land.  Hah!

Hmmmmm.  I need to get back to my other guilty pleasure, politics.  So, who thinks Rick Perry is going to make a 2016 presidential run?

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